关键词: 保险业 诚信问题 社会信用 保险教育管理 诚信法律法规
Abstract: Credibility, as the basics of all morals, the foundation and operation of all systems as well as the dependence of the society which can make it survive and develop. With the booming of rising industry and high technology, the globalization is accelerating its degrees, China Insurance Industry is faced with good opportunities and broad outlook. While, at the same time, China Insurance Industry is confronted with enormous pressures came from the deficiency of credibility. Through the analysis of present situation of Insurance Industry and issues about credibility, the article gives its suggestion on standardized social credit system, perfect laws, efficient insurance credit educational management as well as pointing out internal operational system is the available way to solve the deficiency of Insurance Industry.
Keywords: Insurance;Honest questions;Social Credit;Insurance education management; Integrity laws and regulations