关键词 安利企业;品牌塑造;网络营销;研究
Abstract:Now is in the network of high-speed development, the enterprise gradually transition to the network marketing development, seek new breakthrough, the amway business is no exception, in the network market, every enterprise development opportunities are equal, the traditional brands do not represent network brand, so enterprise want to develop in the direction of the network to shape its own network brand first. Amway outside the network marketing is in a high-speed development period, but in the domestic network marketing amway is burgeoning.
This article altogether is divided into four parts, the first analysis and significance for the development of enterprises under the network era; Secondly summarizes network branding process; Then further detailed explanation of amway enterprise implementation of network brand profile; Finally, the amway business network marketing development caused some thinking in the future.
Key Words Amway Corporation Brand Building Network Marketing Research