ABSTRACT:Personal financial services is the emerging business of domestic commercial banks. Since the 1990s, China's commercial banks have launched a personal finance business, the market gradually expand the scale. But relative to foreign commercial banks for financial services, domestic commercial banks for financial services is still in its infancy. Subject to many factors, China's commercial banks' profits still rely on traditional sources of deposit and loan spreads obtained. Based on the study of commercial bank personal financial services, the one hand can provide some new ideas for personal finance business expansion in China's commercial banks, so as to promote the commercial banks to raise their own profits and the overall competitiveness. The other hand, personal finance business in China is still in the early stage of development. Research on the problems and countermeasures of commercial bank personal financial services can help to guide the practical work, thus contributing to the emerging markets. In this paper, by comparing domestic and foreign commercial banks in the development of personal financial services and research, propose appropriate measures to resolve the problems of domestic commercial banks in china personal financial services.
Keywords: Commercial banks; personal finance; present situation; problems; countermeasures
我国国内商业银行个人理财业务出现较晚,对于国内商业银行来说还是新兴的业务,而在国外,个人理财业务起步较早,在长期的发展过程中已经成为国外商业银行重要的收入来源。但是随着我国经济的发展和人均收入的提高,国内居民手中的闲散资金也逐步增加,单纯的银行储蓄已经不能满足人们日益增长的需求,越来越多的人开始倾向于个人理财。同时从目前国内的状况来看,我国央行近年来连续降息, 银行存贷款利差逐渐缩小,国内商业银行从中获取的利润偏低,为了实现一体化的经营和在竞争日益激烈的市场上占据一席之地,国内商业银行业必须寻找新的利润增长点。前景广阔的个人理财业务无疑成为了国内商业银行的首选,我国商业银行应该根据目前国内市场的实际情况来推广个人理财业务,要根据客户的实际资产状况、预期目标和风险偏好程度为客户提供专业的个性化理财服务,确保客户资产的保值增值。