摘要:机动车辆保险是财产保险中的重要险种,其保费收入占财险收入的约70%,所以机动车辆保险的经营发展状况对财险行业的发展至关重要,怎样才能让机动车辆保险更好更快的发展,如何提高产险公司在经营车险方面的竞争力,一直应该是我国财产保险业的关注点。21世纪,由于经济全球化和金融自由化的趋势已经越来越强,保险市场国际化趋势也不可阻挡,同时国内保险市场也不断在探索中逐渐成熟, 2007年我国交通责任强制险的正式普遍推行,特别是2012年我国《关于加强机动车辆商业保险条款费率管理的通知》的发布,车险条款费率市场化的逐步改革,标志着我国机动车辆保险进入了一个新的阶段。本文主要分析了我国的车辆保险的发展现状,对我国车辆保险发展中的问题进行了较为全面而彻底的归纳总结,其中对保险品种和费率单一问题、保险监管问题、专业人才的匮乏问题、恶性竞争和车险诈骗问题进行了分析其本质的影响因素。最后,本文探索性地提出了解决问题的一系列对策。
ABSTRACT:Motor vehicle insurance is an important insurance property insurance, property insurance income of its premium income accounted for about 70%, so the motor vehicle insurance business development is crucial for the development of P & C insurance industry, how to make better and more motor vehicle insurance fast development, how to improve the insurance companies in the business aspects of the competitiveness of the car insurance has been our property and casualty insurance industry should be the focus. 21st century, due to economic globalization and financial liberalization trend has been growing, international insurance market trends are unstoppable, while the domestic insurance market also continue to mature in the exploration, in 2007 China's transport official general liability compulsory insurance implementation, especially in 2012 China's "on the strengthening of commercial motor vehicle insurance policy rate management," the release rate of auto insurance terms gradual market-oriented reforms, marking China's motor vehicle insurance has entered a new stage. This paper analyzes the development of China's automobile insurance status, vehicle insurance for our problems in the development of a more comprehensive and thorough summarized, in which the insurance products and rates for a single issue, the insurance regulatory issues, the problem of lack of professionals, vicious competition and auto insurance fraud problems are analyzed by its very nature factor. Finally, this paper put forward exploratory series of countermeasures to solve the problem.
Keywords: Auto insurance; insurance system; automobile traffic evident third Party liability compulsory insurance;Insurance Fraud