ABSTRACT:After the emergence of security market, research on the stock market volatility has become a hot spot in finance field. The contributing factors of the stock market volatility include market information, capital flow, public opinion,policy adjustment, investor’s confidence and so on. Stock market started late in China and, with a weak footing and an incomplete mechanism, frequently experiences unusual volatility, which would eliminate the role of it in motivating financing effect and promoting economic growth and thus would deter a sound development of the market. This essay will focus on the main characteristics and profound reasons of recent Chinese stock market volatility; finally, I would put forward specific solutions to this problem.
Based on the period while the previous chairman of the China Securities RegulatoryCommission, Guo Shuqing in office from October 2011 to March 2013, the essay illustratesthe development of Chinese stock market of this period. Also, it sheds light on the main characteristics of the volatility in terms of volatility frequency, volatility scope, volume, stock market value, confidence of investors, as well as non-tradable share. Then, it will analyze the reasons of the mentioned phenomenon according to system restriction, less confidence, slowdown in economic growth, imperfect investment structure and policy driven market.Finally it will put forward solutions in response to these problems, thus promoting the healthy and sustainable development of China’s stock market.
Keywords: stock market;volatility characteristic; strategy