关键词 反倾销反补贴; 策略 ;应对措施
Abstract:Anti-dumping is a phenomenon that exits in the international economy, it has long been there, and as the world economy continues to develop and the corresponding changes in the world economic integration with the deepening of anti-dumping has become oppose unfair competition and protect domestic industries important means. China's rapid growth in international trade, while also facing anti-dumping was a serious challenge. In particular, as world markets become increasingly saturated, between developed and developing countries and between developed and developing countries between dumping and anti-dumping conflicts increasingly fierce. In this regard, China's enterprises has withstood dumping and anti-dumping with the double impact of the test. This writer is hoped that the current international anti-dumping trade status to the development of research, and based on micro-economics of the theoretical foundation, on the one hand, analysis of China's foreign dumping measures, and better use of anti-dumping measures to protect national industries and the domestic market in order to promote China's foreign trade development. The other, we have analyzed the proper use of anti-dumping measures, in order to develop more in line with China's national conditions of the anti-dumping measures to protect the rights and interests of Chinese enterprises.
Keywords: trade anti-dumping strategy study