关键词 4C理论;房地产;营销策略;消费者
Abstract:With the rapid development of real estate industry, real estate marketing planning in real estate enterprises has become an important part of. Related theory, there are 4 p theory, STP theory, the CS theory and the theory of 4 c, these are all at different times to carry out marketing activities. Especially under the influence of the financial crisis, the real estate industry competition, the vacancy rate rose, make the 4 c theory appeared in nanjing has its vitality, to consumers as the center point is lacked of nanjing real estate marketing, based on the theory of real estate research will have reality significance.
Mainly by the method of theory combining with practice, this paper firstly in this paper, the research status at home and abroad and related concept, and puts forward the research background and significance of real estate marketing, ideas, and then to nanjing qixia real estate marketing real estate co., for example, the research situation of the enterprise real estate marketing, with its recent financial history data base are analyzed, on the basis of the theory of 4 c, research consumer demand characteristics, then use the relevant analysis method for qualitative and quantitative analysis, give full consideration to consumer's pricing model, reasonable cost, to provide convenient channels, using various two-way communication platform, discover problems, solve problems, improve management related countermeasure is given, and finally combined with full text make inductive summary and prospect are put forward.
Keywords 4C Theory Real Estate Marketing Strategy Consumers
由于房地产具有投资价值大,且不可移动性及区住性等特点,其销售难度要比一般商品要大的多。为了成功且有效地把房地产产品来销售出去,就必须根据营销目标和营销市场特点,采取一系列的营销策略。美国营销专家所提出的4C理论,它是以消费者需求为导向。它强调企业首先应该把追求顾客满意放在第一位,其次就是要努力降低顾客购买成本, 并且要充分注意顾客在购买过程中的便利性, 而不是以企业的角度来决定销售渠道的策略, 最后还应当以消费者为中心实施有效的营销沟通。4C 理论是把以人为本的思想运用到企业营销领域中,代表着企业在消费者的营销活动中的地位越来越主动,生活节奏逐渐加快的消费者以及市场信息过度的膨胀和激烈的市场竞争是营销环境下的必然需求。然而在新的房地产业增长周期中, 消费者已经成为了房地产投资的主体, 因此, 4C理论应成为多数房产开发商明智的选择。