关键词: 电子银行;生命周期;营销策略
Abstract:Since the 1990s, with the rapid development of computer Internet , and gradually penetrate into the bank sector, have an enormous impact on the traditional bank services.Comprehensive national commercial banks to seize the opportunity for change, and actively carry out innovative businesses rely on state-of-the-art Internet technology, have introduced electronic bank, including telephone banking, mobile banking, online bank, self-service terminals and ATM, POS, and other channel electronic bank system.
Electronic banking as a whole new kind of service channels, the core competitiveness of commercial banks, bank image, and the whole banking reform and development have significance.But not comprehensive understanding of electronic banking, electronic banking marketing management space is small, monotonous form, means tradition, a great impact on market expansion effect, not been strictly adhered to the "customer-centric" business philosophy. If these problems are resolved, the better able management of Industrial and Commercial Bank electronic bank.
In this paper, the issue of e-banking market following: first analysis to understand the macro environment and micro environment of e-banking market in which the marketing status of the Industrial and Commercial Bank Jiangdu Branch; Industrial and Commercial Bank, Industrial and Commercial Bank of understanding jiangdu branch marketing strategy; laminate Commercial Bank electronic banking,marketing strategy.
Keywords electronic bank; PLC; marketing strategy