摘要:2012年上半年的中国电影市场略显萎靡,《画皮2》在众多电影中脱颖而出,以超过7亿的票房暂居华语电影票房榜首,但是高票房却没有得到好口碑,从两者反差中反衬出《画皮2》值得借鉴的营销模式,本论文将通过对众多学者研究成果的借鉴参考以及《画皮2 》的具体分析,初步的从中总结出在新媒体环境下,如何将电影与营销更好的结合,这对以后电影产业的发展具有积极的意义。在经济效益和社会效益的权衡中,也可以为如何做出好电影提供一些启示。
关键词: 画皮2; 电影营销; 营销模式; 新媒体; 整合营销
Abstract:Slightly weak in the first half of 2012 China's film market, the "painted skin 2" stand out in many movies, temporarily in the Chinese-language film at the box office top spot over 700 million at the box office. But the high box office did not get a good reputation , from the contrast, we can learn that the marketing model of "painted skin 2"is worth learning. This paper will draw reference to the research of many scholars and "Painted Skin 2" concrete analysis, and preliminary conclude that under the new media environment, how to better film and marketing combination, it has positive significance to the later development of film industry. In the balance of economic and social benefits , can also provide some inspiration for how to make a good movie.
Key words: The resurrection printed skin; the film marketing; marketing mode; The new media;Integrated marketing