关键词:社区矫正 社会工作 社会工作方法
ABSTRACT:With the continuous development of our social economy and social system constantly improve, people's legal consciousness is more and more strong, the mode of this new type of punishment, community correction is becoming more and more attention. "Community correction in our country, it is to point to will conform to the conditions of community correction of the criminals into community, by the specialized state organs, in the related social groups and non-governmental organizations and the help of volunteers, in the judgment or written order or decision within the time limit, JiaoZhengJi criminal psychology and behavior habits, and promote its smooth return society non-confinement penalty enforcement activities.
In this article, through the feasibility analysis of the social work intervention in community correction, from the government, judicial offices, community correction object, and social workers a few aspects, expounds the advantage of social work intervention in community correction, understanding of community correction of the urgency, the urgency of perfect correction mechanism, and the necessity of establish a team of professional social workers. Use social work methods and techniques, to help for the community correction work, to help build the government credibility, so as to make contributions to building a harmonious society.
Keywords:Community correction;The Social work;Methods of social work