关键词:股权激励 资本市场 证券市场 上市公司
Abstract:With economic globalization, the growing size of the company's business , while the listed company equity firms increasingly fragmented and difficult to manage increasingly larger. In order to effectively solve exists between shareholders and company managers principal - agent problem , effective incentives company managers to create more value for shareholders and society , Western scholars proposed equity incentive system . With the improvement , equity incentive system in recent years, the legal system in China began to develop , although some domestic listed companies to adopt equity incentive system , but the development of equity incentive system in China is still in the exploratory stage , how effective equity incentive system in China effective application of the economic system under socialism , but also by the relevant government departments and public company efforts to improve the system .Papers by existing listed companies incentive system problems occur during use analysis to identify equity incentive system problems and propose appropriate recommendations for equity incentive system to solve the problems .
Keywords : equity incentive capital market securities market listing Corporation