关键词 资产减值;会计政策;企业利润
Abstract:In recent years, the new impairment of assets accounting policy attracts much attention. Impairment of assets accounting policy ties with accounting theory and accounting practice, on the one hand affected by accounting theory, on the other hand regulates accounting practice, and has profound influence on company self-interest. The new accounting standards takes full consider of market economy, Impairment of assets has become a new bright spot.
This paper based on impairment of assets accounting policy, cases on Suqian Dongrun Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (Dongrun) ,to proof impairment of assets accounting policy impacts on Corporate profits by theoretical comparison, comparison of data, charts description etc. This paper consists of four parts, the first part is preface, outline background; The second part is theory review, including impairment of assets theory and accounting policy theory; The third part is the data analysis, through Dongrun financial data by means of charts comparison, comparison of the data making a specific analysis; The fourth part is thoughts and suggestions, which bings about in studying this paper.
Keywords: Impairment of assets accounting policies corporate profits
1 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.1.1 国内现状 1
1.1.2 国外现状 2
1.2研究综述 2
1.3 研究意义与方法 3
1.3.1研究意义 3
1.3.2研究方法 3
1.3.3本论文框架结构 4
2 基本理论概述 5
2.1资产减值的基本理论概述 5
2.1.1资产减值的定义 5
2.1.2资产减值已确认损失是否允许转回明细表 5
2.1.3资产减值损失的影响 5
2.1.4公允价值计价与资产减值的区别与联系 6
2.2新旧准则差异、新会计准则与国际会计准则差异 7
2.2.1新旧准则的差异比较 7
2.2.2新会计准则与国际会计准则的主要差异 8
2.3会计政策的相关理论 8
2.3.1会计政策的定义 8
2.3.2会计政策变更的条件 8
2.3.3会计政策变更的处理方法——追溯调整法和未来适用法 8
2.3.4盈余管理与利润操纵 9
3对宿迁东润机械制造有限公司资产减值的数据分析 11
3.1新准则下资产减值会计对东润利润的影响 11
3.1.1宿迁东润机械制造有限公司基本概况 11
3.1.2新准则下资产减值会计政策对公司利润的影响 11
3.2资产减值在宿迁东润机械制造有限公司运用的案例研究 11
3.2.1资产减值的会计政策在宿迁东润机械制造有限公司的运用 12
3.2.2资产减值的会计政策在宿迁东润机械制造有限公司的运用效果与影响 14
3.3对资产减值数据分析的小结 15
3.3.1新准则下资产减值会计政策对企业利润的影响总结 15
3.3.2资产减值在宿迁东润机械制造有限公司运用的总结 15
4对资产减值的会计政策的一些思考与建议 16
4.1对资产减值的会计政策的一些思考 16
4.1.1 对资产可能发生的减值的认定中对资产减值迹象的判断思考 16
4.1.2 对资产减值中坏账准备的计提比例问题的思考 16
4.2对资产减值的会计政策的发展建议 16
4.2.1 加强上市公司资产减值会计信息披露的透明度 16
4.2.2选择更合理的业绩评价指标 17
结论 18
致谢 19
参考文献 20