摘要:小微企业是我国企业的重要组成部分,在促进经济增长、就业增长、和增加农民收入中发挥着重要作用。近年来,小微企业在筹资过程中,面临筹资难、筹资少、风险大等很多问题,使得小微企业在生存和发展时缺少强有力的助力。了进一步发展小微企业,本文通过分析小微企业的筹资现状,从小微企业内部控制、信用问题、银行问题以及政府问题四个方面出发,总结出我国小微企业筹资困境的原因。然后根据原因,从企业内部控制、企业信用、银行和政府四方面提出解决我国小微企业筹资困难的对策, 这对我国小微企业在今后的发展上将有现实意义。
关键词 小微企业 ;筹资 ;问题及对策
Abstract:Small micro enterprise is an important part of our country enterprise, in promoting economic growth, job growth, and increase farmers' income plays an important role. Then, in recent years, small micro enterprises in the process of financing, financing, financing, risk big less a lot of problems, such as in the survival and development of small micro enterprises lacks a strong power. Money is the blood of an enterprise, to help our small micro enterprises out of the woods, is an urgent need to solve first is a small micro enterprise financing difficult question. In order to further development of small micro enterprises, this article through the analysis of small micro enterprise financing present situation, from small micro enterprise internal control, the problem of credit and bank's attitude towards small micro enterprise from three aspects, summed up the small micro enterprise financing the cause of the trouble in China. Then according to the reasons, from three aspects put forward to solve the problem of the small micro enterprise financing difficulties, the small micro enterprise in China in the future development will have practical significance.
Keywords small micro enterprises financing problems and countermeasures