Abstract:With the continuous reform and development of the social market economic system, real estate development enterprises are booming. Due to the fact that houses sell like hot cakes, and overheating demand of houses from market, that caused the high price of houses. The government introduced a series of macroscopic readjustment and control to solve this problem. For example, house buying restriction, increase the down payment of the second suite, and strict collection of business tax. These approaches prevented those kind of people who makes money that relies on reselling second-hand houses timely. In the same time, this solution controlled the demand of house from market, and increased house supply. Thus, it caused enormous pressure to land agents. Their houses are not sold out, but tax is rising. So, how to reduce the pressure is becoming their biggest problem.
This article will combine particular case of Nanjing Qixia real estate development enterprise to state the methods of cost control in detail. There are three links of the process that most real estate development enterprises should do to finish their project: first, preparation checks, second, mid- term construct, third, the late selling. So, it is very important for land agents to control the cost of last three links, and maximization the final profit. In theory, this article can help land agents to reduce production cost and pressure from the government, also, it can increase the profit.
Key words: Land auction Project planning Project design Project construction