关键词:维米尔 戏剧性 光线 高光 透视 象征 艺术语言
Abstract:Vermeer was a painter of Holland in 17th century, its work "customs painter is painting art" KuangShi mastepiece, its mysterious not only displayed in its origin, in works more play swim blade enough to spare. Through the painting art "to describe the picture, painting expression such as highlights, perspective, symbol, let the reader to such analysis have been studied.in vascular mill, through the understanding of the painting art language interpretation, the more beneficial to us to interpret dimension mill. On the map to see dimension love of Tamil ethnic, also reflected the people at real life scenes; Unique light is dimension of Tamil performance picture is an important technique, the atmosphere is adorned pearls specular Tamil unique painting style dimension, give a person with have been glittering and translucent texture. Works "vivid" idiosyncratic, even to the exploration and use perspective, the book nails farrowing unique skills by painting and camera obscura observation object to performance lens space. From "the painting art" in this painting art language mill feel dimension.
Keywords: Vermeer dramatic light highlights perspective symbol Art language