摘 要:现代物流业是以现代运输业为重点,以信息技术为支撑,以现代制造业和商业为基础,集系统化、信息化、仓储现代化为一体的综合性产业。现代物流产业是国民经济的基础产业,在区域经济中发挥着“润滑剂”和“推动剂”的功能, 它对优化产业结构、增强企业发展后劲、提高经济运行质量起到巨大的促进作用。现代物流业属于第三产业,现代物流业的发展能促进第三产业的发展,同时带动第一产业和第二产业,现代物流产业的发展对产业结构优化有着重要的作用。本文在现代物流与产业结构分析基础上,探讨现代物流与产业结构的关系,并运用投入产出分析法对现代物流的产业关联效应和波及效应展开定量分析。最后,结合相关研究结果,提出促进现代物流业发展,加强物流产业与产业结构协同发展的对策和建议。
Abstract :Modern logistics industry is a modern transportation industry as the focus, with information technology as the support, to the modern manufacturing industry and business for the foundation, including system, information, storage modernization as one of the integrated industry. Modern logistics industry is the basic industry of national economy, the regional economy plays a" lubricant" and" promoting agent " function, it is to optimize the industrial structure, enhance the development potential of enterprises, improve the quality of economic operation play a huge role in promoting. Modern logistics industry belongs to the tertiary industry, the development of modern logistics industry can promote the development of the tertiary industry, at the same time drives the first industry and the second industry, modern logistics industry development on the industrial structure has an important role in. In this paper, the modern logistics and industrial structure on the basis of analysis, discussion of modern logistics and industrial structure optimization, and the use of input-output analysis method to modern logistics industry relevancy effect and effect of unfolding quantitative analysis. Finally, combined with the related research results, put forward to promote the development of modern logistics industry, strengthening the logistics industry and industrial structure coordinated development countermeasure and the suggestion.
Key words:Modern logistics; industrial structure;the industry association;spread effect