摘 要:农业保险作为一种分散风险的有效手段,受到世界各国的广泛关注。经过不断的探索和实践,许多国家都制定出了相应的农业保险政策。因为各国的气候条件、经济状况、文化背景等都不尽相同,所以农业保险的经营模式也各具特点。其中较为典型的有美国的政府主导模式,日本的政府支持下的互助合作模式和印度的国家重点选择扶持模式。
Abstract:Since agricultural insurance can spread agricultural risks in an effective way, it has received extensive attention from all countries in the world. Through constant exploration and practice, many countries have worked out the corresponding agricultural insurance policy. Considering the fact that every country has different climate condition, financial situation and cultural background, the way every country operate agricultural insurance is different . The modes that America, Japan and India take to carry out agricultural insurance is very typical .
China is a large agricultural country.The development of agriculture is important to our country's political stability and economic prosperity. However, frequent occurrence of natural disasters makes huge damage to the agricultural production, and restricts the sustainable development of agriculture in our country. Although in recent years, China has attached great importance to the development of agricultural insurance, but restricted by various factors, the development of China's agricultural insurance is very slow.It still has many problems, such as weak insurance awareness, imperfect laws and regulations, inadequate fiscal support ,lack of risk dispersing mechanism and so on. Therefore, establishing and perfecting the agricultural insurance system has already reached a critical state.
This paper will discuss the agricultural insurance in China, the United States, Japan and India in detail.Then through the comparison, the paper will conclude the similarities and differences among the four country's agricultural insurance policies, such as the insurance legislation, implementation mode, government support and reinsurance. Finally, the paper will put forward ideas and suggestions on the development of agricultural insurance in China by combining the successful experience of foreign countries and our own national conditions.
Keywords: Agricultural insurance ; policy comparison ; suggestions