摘 要:自2001年首批农村商业银行成立以来,我国农商行历经十多年发展已初具规模,越来越多有实力的农村商业银行开始探索跨区域经营之路,以期借此打破地域限制,获得规模效益,实现做大做强。农村商业银行作为我国农村金融体系的一部分,在服务“三农”经济,满足农村金融需求方面起到举足轻重的作用。随着我国金融市场逐渐开放,我国银行业将面临国际上的挑战,银行业竞争也将愈加激烈。虽然农村商业银行当前发展形势迅猛,但其在资产规模、资本质量、内部控制等方面与大型银行仍有距离,在实现新巴塞尔协议的过程中仍面临诸多困难。2010年巴塞尔协议Ⅲ的出台不仅标志着全球银行业监管步上了更高的平台,而且对于农村商业银行,尤其是实施跨区域经营的农商行来说,意味着自身经营管理将面临更高的要求和更严峻的挑战。本文通过概述我国农村商业银行跨区域经营现状,分析跨区域经营典型模式,并结合具体案例,从而揭示农村商业银行在新巴塞尔协议背景下进行跨区域经营时或面临的风险问题,并据此进行跨区域经营模式优化,提出相应的风险管理对策,以期帮助农村商业银行在符合新巴塞尔协议要求的背景下,平稳推行跨区域经营战略,实现长足发展。
Abstract:Since the first batch of rural commercial banks established in 2001, the development of China’s rural commercial banks has begun to take shape after ten years. Currently, an increasing number of rural commercial banks has begun to explore the cross-regional operation, in order to break the geographical restrictions, gain economies of scale and achieve bigger and stronger. The rural commercial bank, as a part of China’s rural financial system, is playing a vital role in servicing three rural economy and meeting the demand of rural finance. With the gradual opening up of China’s financial market, China’s banking industry will face international challenges and increasingly fierce competition. Although the rural commercial bank is currently developing rapidly, it is still far from the large banks in terms of asset size, capital quality and internal control. Thus the rural commercial bank still faces many difficulties in the process of achieving Basel Ⅲ. Basel Ⅲ in 2010 not only marks the global banking regulation stepping on a higher platform, but also means higher requirements and more severe challenges for China’s rural commercial banks, especially for those who is implementing cross-regional business. This paper, according to the overview of China’s rural commercial bank’s cross-regional operating status, the analysis of typical modes of cross-regional business, and specific cases, aims at revealing rural commercial banks’ risks in cross-regional operation in the background of Basel Ⅲ, optimizing cross-regional business modes and proposing appropriate risk management measures, in order to help China’s rural commercial banks achieve smooth implementation of cross-regional strategy and steady development in compliance with Basel Ⅲ requirements.
Keywords: rural commercial banks; cross-regional operation; risk management; New Basel Capital Accord