摘 要:第三方理财由于所提供的理财服务是基于中立立场,能够按照客户的实际情况和理财需求,提供综合理财规划服务,具有独立性和中立性,因而在理财市场占据越来越重要的位置。随着我国经济的快速发展,居民对理财的需求越来越大,发展第三方理财业务是必然的趋势。而当前我国第三方理财的发展还处在萌芽期,存在一定的问题亟待解决。本课题通过研究总结出其存在的问题主要是法律法规缺失、人才匮乏及盈利模式单一。最后,对我国第三方理财业务的发展提出可行性的建议,指出应完善第三方理财业务发展的外部环境、大力培养高素质理财师以及通过借鉴西方发达国家经验实现模式转变。
Abstract:Starting from the current development status of China's third-party wealth management, by compared with the United States and other developed countries, this issue found that in the United States, Canada and other Western financial markets in developed countries the third-party wealth management has formed a mature system, so does in Hong Kong and Taiwan region .rapid. But it is still in its infancy in the Mainland. There has been found several independent third-party financial institution in Shanghai, Shenzhen and other major cities, but the country overall is still not amount to anything. This issue through the study summed up the problems are mainly the lack of laws and regulations, lack of personnel and profitability of a single model. Finally, the feasibility of the proposal, pointing out the development of third-party wealth management business in China should improve the external environment of the third-party financing business development, vigorously develop high-quality financial planner, and by drawing on the experience of other Western developed countries to achieve the paradigm shift.
Key words: Third-party Financial Management; Industry Environment; Mode; Problems; Countermeasures