摘 要:中国作为一个农业大国,农户是农村经济发展的主力军,是从事农业生产的主体。十八大报告指出:“三农”问题是关系到我国国民经济、现代化建设和社会发展的重大问题。要坚持把解决好“三农”问题作为全党工作的重中之重,按照统筹城乡发展、统筹区域发展等要求,进一步实施强农惠农政策,协调推进工业化、城镇化和农业农村现代化,促进农村经济又好又快发展。而农村稳定、农业发展和农民增收都离不开资金支持。自农村金融体制改革以来,农村金融覆盖率和农村金融机构的办事效率都得到了提高。然而,近几年的一些实证调查仍表明,农户信贷约束问题仍然比较严重。信贷约束问题不但来源于金融机构的信贷配给,而且还与借款者本身的需求压抑有关,这种需求压抑会导致需求型的信贷约束。本文通过分析我国农村金融现状和农村信贷需求和供给的特点,考察农户信贷约束现状并分析信贷约束存在的原因,从而有针对性的提出有效解决农户信贷约束问题的对策,促进农村金融市场持续健康发展。
ABSTRACT:China is a big agricultural country. Farmers play an important role in agricultural production,and they are the main force in rural economic development. The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China implies that three problems about countryside, agriculture and farmers are related to the national economy, modernization and social development. Persist in putting these three problems as the top priority of the Party’s work. According to the requirements of balancing urban and rural development, planning the whole regional development, implement the policy of benefitting farmers and promote industrialization, urbanization and agricultural modernization. Promote the sound and rapid economic development in rurul areas.The stability of rural areas, the agricultural development and the increasing of farmers' income is inseparable from the financial support. Since the reform of rural financial system, coverage of rural finance and efficiency of the rural financial institutions have been improved. In recent years, however, some of the empirical investigation shows that farmers are still faced with serious credit constraints. Credit constraints are not only from the credit rationing of financial institutions, but also related to the borrowers’ suppressed demand.This suppressed demand can lead to demand credit constraints. Through the analysis of the present situation of China's rural credit and the characteristics of the supply and demand of rural credit, this article inspects the present situation of rural credit constraints, works out solutions to the rural credit constraints and promotes the sustainable development of the rural financial market
Keywords: Farmer; Credit constrain; Rural cedit