摘 要:在新型科技不断推层出新,人们生活水平持续提高的今天,与之伴随的一个日益突出的问题——社会人口老龄化,正逐渐变成阻碍世界经济发展的绊脚石,从而受到社会各界越来越多的人们的关注。以房养老就在这样的背景下应运而生。我国进入老龄化社会以来,以速度快、来势猛、绝对数量巨大、未富先老等特点发展。老年人退休后生活缺乏牢固的经济基础,而反向抵押贷款作为以房养老的重要实施手段,无疑为我国的养老保障事业带来了新的发展思路。本文将从我国的老龄化趋势角度出发介绍反向抵押贷款在我国推行的必要性、可行性及我国推行该项业务的过程中遇到的障碍,借鉴美国推行的成功经验,提出解决障碍的对策,并思考探讨适合我国国情的住房反向抵押贷款运作模式。
ABSTRACT:In the new technology constantly push emerge new peoples standard of living of continuous improvement .At the same time with the accompanying a growing problem - social aging population.It is gradually becoming hinder the development of the world economy and stumbling block to the social from all walks of life .And it attracts more and more people’s attention. Retirement with house is came into being in this context. Since our country entering an aging society with fast speed powerless fierce absolute number is huge and getting old before it gets rich characteristics such as development. The elderly life after retirement lack of solid economic basis and reverse mortgage loans as retirement with house of the important means of implementing undoubtedly for our country’s old-age security brought good news. This paper from the Angle of aging of the trend in China is introduced in the implementation of reverse mortgages the necessity feasibility and the implementation of the business process obstacles,the successful experience from America implementation,propose,solving the counter measure,and think about obstacles discussed suitable for Chinas national conditions of housing reserve mortgage loan operation mode.
Key words: Reverse mortgage loan housing operating mode, necessity ,feasibility,obstacle,countermeasure