摘 要:地方金融体系相对金融体系理论而言是一个相对较为陌生的概念,虽然在实际应用中已被广泛接受,但并不为大多数人所熟知。本文的研究就是意在介绍地方金融体系这一概念,并展现地方金融体系在金融业发展与经济增长中所起到的重要作用。
ABSTRACT:Local financial system relative to the theory of the financial system is an unfamiliar concept. It has been widely accepted in practical applications, but most people aren’t familiar with it. This study is to introduce the meaning of the local financial system and to show the important role played by the local financial system of financial sector development and economic growth.
This study summaries of the important financial cities abroad and domestic areas with achievements in the development of local financial system’s model of development and construction path. Carefully studying the lessons learned and best practices, the study compares the pros and cons of the various models with theirs characteristics and relative to the degree of fitness. Extract the key details of the outstanding development of the local financial system modes. Build a financial framework of universal significance, and research its rationality and feasibility of modeling.
In order to study the variability of the model in practical applications, we study the development path of the local financial system in Wuxi to verify the operability of the model. Select the city whose environment is similar to Wuxi’s to study its experience in the development of the financial system, and one by one to analyze the uniqueness and universality. Analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of Wuxi’s financial development, according to the model proposed framework for Wuxi, combined with Wuxi’s own characteristics with favorable and unfavorable geographic conditions to make the necessary adjustments in the development of local financial for the defect of the model , leaving room for maneuver to deal with the actual situation, build a model of development and construction of the local financial system for Wuxi path in universal primary based on the framework, and ultimately verify the rationality and feasibility of the entire model.
Keywords: Local financial system; development model; construction path