摘 要:对外贸易促进经济增长的问题,历来是增长经济学的重大课题和研究热点。新政策实施以来,坦桑尼亚对外贸易都取得了长足的发展;坦桑尼亚伴随着对外贸易的迅速扩大而高速增长,为研究对外贸易对经济增长的作用提供了难得的案例和详尽的数据。国内和国际的学术界对贸易对经济增长的作用还存在着一定的争议。按照一般贸易理论,贸易额的扩大不一定能够促进经济的增长,在一定条件下,对外贸易的扩大反而会降低国民福利,出现出口贫化的增长。因此,对这方面的做深入的研究就非常有必要。本文在分析对外贸易与经济增长的内在关系的基础上,引用国际上研究贸易促进经济增长模型和主法,对坦桑尼亚对外贸易对经济的促进作进行分析,以归纳对外贸易对坦桑尼亚经济作用;同时通过研究坦桑尼亚的贸易条件状况,分析坦桑尼亚对外贸易的现状和对经济增长的作用。
关键词:坦桑尼亚 进口贸易 出口贸易 经济增长
ABSTRACT:Foreign Trade has been a key factor in promoting economic growth, sine the implementation of new policies in Tanzania, foreign trade has made Tanzania’s economy grow so fast. Due to the growth of the economy, researchers from Tanzania and other parts of the world have been working hard on looking how the exports and the imports of the good affect the Tanzania Economy. In this matter we see that the depth research on the impact of foreign trade to the economic growth has to be carried on. So in this research I will look for possible ways the government has to take to increase the export of goods in the world market so as they can be competitive in the World Market.