摘 要:跨国公司直接投资作为生产国际化和国际分工进一步深化的重要方式之一,日益成为全球经济发展极为重要的原动力。根据商务部的数据,中国已连续20年成为利用外资最多的发展中国家。外资的大量流入有利于促进我国经济结构优化升级、增加我国财政收入、推动我国参与国际分工等。然而,跨国公司在华投资在积极推动我国经济发展的同时,也给我国带来了诸多的负面影响,如加大宏观调控难度、阻碍本土企业的发展、污染转移等。为综合性分析跨国公司在华投资对我国经济发展的影响,本文通过平稳性检验和协整检验对我国实际使用外资总额和GDP数据进行分析,结果表明跨国公司在华投资每增加1个百分点,我国GDP相应增加0.81个百分点。因此,总体而言跨国公司在华投资促进了中国的经济发展。然而,我国政府和企业应采取措施应对其负面影响,如优化投资环境、完善相关法律制度;改善跨国公司在华投资的产业结构和地域结构;贯彻落实《反垄断法》,维护我国经济自主安全;加强与跨国公司的合作;完善人才制度等。
ABSTRACT:As one of the important ways of production internationalization and international division, Transnational Corporation direct investment is becoming an important driving force behind global economic development. According to the data of commercal ministry, China has been the top of the utilization of foreign capital for 20 years among the developing countries. Large foreign investment flows into China is conducive to promoting our country’s economic structure optimization, increase the fiscal revenue and promote our country participate in international division of labor, etc. However, at the time of Transnational Corporation investment promoting our country’s economic development, it also brings about many negative impacts of our country, such as increasing the difficulty of macroeconomic regulation and control, hinder the development of local enterprises and transfer pollution, etc. In order to make a comprehensive analysis of Transnational Corporation investment’s influence on the economic development of our country, this paper have the stationarity test and cointegration test, based on the total amount of actual use of foreign capital and GDP data for analysis, the results showed that the the GDP increased by 0.81% as Transnational Corporation investment in Chin every increase 1%. Therefore, in generally speaking, Transnational Corporation’ investmnet in China promote China's economic development. But, our government and enterprises should adopt measures to deal with its negative effects, such as optimizing investment environment, perfecting the relevant legal system; Improve the Transnational Corporation’ investmnet in China's industrial structure and regional structure; Implementation of the anti-monopoly law, maintains our country economy security; To strengthen cooperation with multinational company; And improve the system of talents, etc.
Keywords: Transnational Corporation; Influence; The empirical; Policy recommendations