摘要:根据BP 2012年世界能源统计公布的数据显示,2011年,煤炭占全球能源结构中的份额增至30.3%,打破了1969年以来的最高纪录。该数据显示,2011年,全球煤炭总消费量达到372亿公吨油当量,增长了5.4%,亚太地区煤炭消费占了全球总消费的大概68.6%。2011年,中国煤炭消费量约为18.4亿公吨油当量,同比增长9.7%,约占全球煤炭总消费量的49.4%。而从中国的一次能源生产及消费结构来看,从1978年以来,煤炭所占比例一直保持在70%左右。可见煤炭在中国能源产业上的地位。在相当长的一段时间内,煤炭作为中国主要一次能源消费形式的状况仍将继续。煤炭产业是关系我国国家经济命脉的重要基础产业,对我国的经济具有巨大的影响,是我国经济持续高速增长的重要原因。我国的煤炭储量丰富、产量高,但我国煤炭产业同样具有着经营方式粗放的特征,且以煤炭为主的能源组成结构与煤炭粗放型开采和超前消费的模式严重影响了资源的可持续利用、低碳经济的发展及气候与环境的保护。因此,本文将以我国煤炭产业为焦点,分析当前我国煤炭产业的发展现状,并从国内供需情况及煤炭进出口的角度出发对其存在的问题及产生的原因进行深入的探讨,最终为我国煤炭产业的发展提出建议,以为解决我国煤炭产业发展的问题,推进产业的升级发展及增强我国煤炭产业的竞争力提供有益的借鉴与参考。
Abstract:According to published data of the BP statistical review of world energy, in 2011, the share of coal in the global energy structure increased to 30.3%, breaking the record in 1969. BP data shows that in 2011, the global coal consumption rose by 5.4% to 3.72 million tonnes of oil equivalent, and the coal consumption in Asia-Pacific region accounted for about 68.6% of the total global consumption. As the world's largest consumer of coal, China's coal consumption was about up to 1.84 billion tonnes of oil equivalent, with year-on-year growth of 9.7%, accounting for about 49.4% of the world's total coal consumption in 2011. From China's primary energy production and consumption structure, the proportion of coal has remained at about 70% since 1978. The importance of coal in China's energy industry is self-evident. The condition of coal as the main primary energy consumption form in China won’t change in quite a long period of time, and it is an important basic industry that relates to China's national economic lifelines, having a huge impact on China's economy and contributing to China's sustained and rapid economic growth. Despite of China's abundant coal reserves and high yield, China's coal industry still has the characteristics of the extensive mode of operation. And the mode of coal-based energy structure and extensive coal mining and over-consumption has a greater impact on the sustainable use of resources, the development of low-carbon economy, and the protection of climate and environment. Therefore, this paper will focus on China's coal industry, analyze the current development of coal industry in China, and have an in-depth discussion on existing problems and the causes from the point of view of domestic supply and demand situation and coal import and export. And, in the end this paper will give suggestions for the development of coal industry in China, in order to provide useful reference for solving the problems existed in the development of China's coal industry, and promoting the upgrading development of industry as well as enhancing the competitiveness of China's coal industry.
Keywords: China's coal industry; Domestic supply and demand; Import and export of coal; The coal industry competitiveness