摘要:旅游的发展是区域开放度和旅游产业水平的标志。西藏因自身特殊的地理环境孕育出独具特色的自然资源与人文资源,成为西藏旅游服务贸易最大的竞争力,吸引世界各地的旅游者。我国政府为西藏提供了一系列特殊的优惠政策,这些优惠政策也为西藏旅的游服务贸易发展提供强有力政策支持和法律保障,是西藏旅游服务贸易有力的优势。随着西藏铁路的开通和西部大开发的不断深入,西藏旅游也会处于一个快速发展的时期,2004-2007年这三年之间西藏客源市场扩大了3 -4倍。08年因拉萨“3·14”事件对西藏入境旅游客源市场的影响程度巨大,入境旅游市场萎缩严重,从09年开始西藏的旅游市场开始恢复,到2011年西藏接待的游客有869.76万人次,旅游总收入为97.06亿元,西藏的旅游服务业发展情况越来越好。因此,分析西藏旅游服务贸易竞争力,对西藏旅游市场进行研究,以便采取正确的西藏旅游服务贸易的发展战略,保护西藏环境的同时发展旅游服务业,提高西藏旅游服务贸易的品质和形象。
Abstract:The development of tourism shows the openness of the district and thelevelof tourism industry. How to attract more tourists is the core question in developinglocal tourism. Countries provides a series of special preferential policies for Tibet, these preferential policies for Tibet tourism development also provide powerful policy support and legal protection, has become the Tibet travel service has a strong advantage. Since the Tibet railway and the deepening of the western development, Tibet tourism will also is in a period of rapid development. In recent years, the Tibet tourism obtained the rapid development, in the three years from 2004 to 2007 between Tibet tourist market expanded 3-4 times. 08 for "March 14 in Lhasa event has had a huge influence on Tibet's inbound tourism source markets, the inbound tourism market is serious, since 09 Tibet tourism market began to recover, reception of tourists by 2011 Tibet had 8.6976 million person-time, tourism revenue is 9.706 billion yuan, Tibet's tourism service industry development is more and more good, coupled with Tibetan unique natural resources, cultural resources, deeply attracted people to hide away. Analysis about the competitive advantage of the Tibetan tourism service industry, therefore, the Tibet tourism market are studied, in order to adopt the right Tibet tourism service trade development strategy and protect the environment in Tibet tourism services at the same time, raise public awareness of Tibet tourism.
Keywords: Tibet tourism services trade; natural resources; human resources