关键字:跨国公司 文化冲突 影响 对策研究
Abstract:As the Chinese Economy becomes increasingly integrated into the World Economy, the implementation of internationalized management proves to be an inevitable tendency. Nowadays, a growing number of foreign-funded enterprises have entered the Chinese market, Meanwhile, more and more domestic enterprises are entering overseas markets. How to solve the problems are caused by transnational operation has been paid great attention in most of the transnational operators. The production and business operation activities of the multinational companies, while across borders, across cultures. In this case will inevitably will appear the cultural conflict, how to deal with these problems has become the most transnational operator issues of concern. Based on this, this article in accordance with the order of the performance - effect - causes - countermeasures, and put forward relevant point of view.
Key words: Transnational company Cultural conflict Influence Countermeasure research.