摘 要:中国汽车行业的快速发展,使中国自主品牌汽车产品出口成为我国汽车产业的重要组成部分和转变外贸增长方式的重要载体。自主品牌汽车整车出口是最需要国家战略性支持的。但由于近年来,人民币汇率的不断攀升,给我国汽车企业出口造成巨大的成本压力,导致我国自主品牌汽车出口的价格优势越来越不明显。随着自主品牌在国内低端市场站住脚跟和逐步树立起品牌形象,汽车企业的工作重点将转移到:促进我国汽车及零部件出口持续健康稳定发展和实施自主品牌出口战略上来。出口是中国自主品牌汽车的必然选择,尤其是2012年,汽车行业进入了国内市场调整阶段,自主品牌汽车出口成为很多企业的救命良药,虽然面临各种压力,但汽车企业仍然非常看好自主品牌汽车出口带来的销量贡献。所以,如何调整汽车企业自主品牌的发展战略,加大出口,提升质量,以期达到更健康和可持续的发展,是每个具有自主品牌汽车企业应当重点关注的事情。当然,对于我国自主品牌汽车质量提升对策的研究也是有其现实意义的。本文就我国自主品牌汽车的出口数量和质量提升对策进行研究,目的就是有针对性地提出一些有价值的解决方案和应该注意的问题供汽车企业进行借鉴和参考,以达到提升自主品牌的目的和获取最大化利润。
关键词:自主品牌 国产汽车 出口数量 质量提升
ABSTRACT:After the recent years fast development, the automobile product exportation has become our country automobile industry the important constituent and the transformation foreign trade growth way important carrier. The automobile entire vehicle exportation most needs the national strategic support. But the Renminbi exchange rate revaluation, exports in recent years to Our country Automobile Enterprise creates the very great cost pressure, weakened our auto export price competitive power. Gradually stable and the brand value will appear gradually along with the independent brand in the domestic low end market possessive amount, promotes our country automobile and the spare part exportation continues the health stable development, the implementation independent brand exportation strategy should be the now and next automobile enterprise work key point. The exportation is the Chinese independent brand automobile inevitably choice, in particular in 2012 year domestic market adjustment stage, exports into very many enterprise the straw to grasp, although faced with pressures and so on Renminbi revaluation, but exports the vehicle the sales volume contribution is very many enterprise regards as important extremely, therefore guarantees the quantity to guarantee the profit to be more important than. How adjusts the domestic automobile enterprise the strategy, enlarge exportation quantity, by the time achieved healthier and sustainable development, is each automobile enterprise, in particular has the matter which the independent brand automobile enterprise must pay attention. Certainly, the exportation strategy plan which carries on in view of some enterprise also has its practical significance. This article conducts the research on the independent brand automobile exportation quantity and quality of improvement countermeasures, the goal has pointed proposed some valuable solution and should pay attention to the question carries on the model and the reference for the automobile enterprise, achieves the promotion independent brand the goal and the gain maximization profit.
Key words: self-owed brand;domestic cars;export quantity;quality improvement