摘 要:将重庆建设成一个区域金融中心已经成为一种战略,重庆正朝着这个目标不断前进。历史和现实表明,重庆完成这个目标具有历史优势和现实优势。重庆直辖的这10多年来的发展,更是让世界刮目相看。在美国美誉为中国的“纽约”,呈现出区域金融中心的巨大潜力。金融不仅是资本积聚和配置的纽带,并且是具有高附加值、高增长的产业,对于地区经济的发展起着积极促进的作用。本文通过阐述国际金融中心的相关理论为开始,分析了重庆金融业发展的现状与成熟的金融中心的差距,并从实际情况出发,提出应对措施,争取将重庆建设成一个名符其实的金融中心的构想和对策。
关键词:重庆 金融中心 金融市场 对策
ABSTRACT:To build Chongqing into a regional financial center has become a strategic, Chongqing's move towards this goal. History and reality show, Chongqing has historical and present advantages. The development of 10 years of Chongqing municipality directly under the central government shall come, let the world sit up and take notice. In the United States of America known as China's "New York", showing the great potential of the world financial center. Not only is the link of financial capital accumulation and allocation, and is with high added value, high growth industries, plays a positive role for the development of regional economy. This paper describes the theory related to start an international financial center, analyzed the current situation of the development of Chongqing's financial industry with the maturity of the financial center of the gap, and starting from the actual situation, put forward the corresponding measures, strive to build Chongqing into a live up to one's name idea and countermeasure of the instant center.
Keywords: Chongqing; financial center; financial markets; countermove