摘 要:技术创新是企业经营与管理的工作中心之一。自1912年被提出以来,技术创新已从微观层面的个体企业的发展推广到区域经济可持续发展范畴,并在近年来逐渐成为国民经济内生、持续、健康发展的核心因素。新的历史时期对经济转型、产业升级提出了新要求,制造业由于其在我国国民经济中的特殊地位,其产业升级成了推进经济转型的重要力量,而在众多促成制造业升级的因素中,技术创新是不可忽略的一个重要环节。苏南地区作为我国优势制造业的集群地区之一,其制造业的升级与所牵涉到的产业技术创新不仅仅对该地区经济的内生、健康、持续发展有重要意义,推而广之地,对我国的制造业的产业升级与技术创新也具有一定的借鉴意义与样板效应。
Abstract:Technical innovation, since was proposed for the first time in the year of 1912, has been lying at the heart of the corporation operations and management, and has been extended from the micro- extent of corporations to the macro- extent of the endogenous, sustainable, and healthy development of national economy. The new era has come up with new requirements for the economic transition and the industrial upgrade; manufacturing industry, considered its paramount position in the whole national economy, is surely the main factor among the processes of the economic transition; technical innovation, as a result, should be laid enough emphasis on when we consider the possible paths of industrial upgrade. The South- Jiangsu region, as one of the most significant manufacturing industrial clusters in China, its manufacturing industrial upgrade could not only be a driving force of the regional economic endogenous, sustainable, and healthy development, but also be a salient example foe the national upgrade of manufacturing industries as a whole. Hence, the South- Jiangsu region should assume this responsibility as it stands. This dissertation widely absorbs the existing research findings, and reviews research findings concerning the methodologies for corporation technical innovation as well as the related theories about the topic of self- organization, which includes its theoretical background, its dynamics principles, and its evolution path. The dissertation follows the main logical line of the presidential factors of M5 (skilled artisan), M6 (capital) and I (information), which are proposed within the “technical innocation chain” theoretical frame. Meanwhile, this dissertation joins the current situation of the higher vocational education and the skilled artisans in the South- Jiangsu region with the theoretical grounds; it also establishes quantitative models such as a C-D production function for the manufactures in the South- Jiangsu region, a cluster analysis for the regional manufacturing industries, a Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation Model (FSEM) based upon results from questionnaire research, and System Dynamics modeling and simulation such as the Vensim S.D. simulation and the Simple Genetic Algorithm modeling and simulation of the MATLAB; hence, a presumably feasible technical innovation approach for the manufacturers’ cluster named C2 and C3 is proposed in accordance to the results of the above- mentioned quantitative analyses, moreover, the methodology is largely supported by these analyses.
Key words:manufacturing industries; technical innovation; self- organization; the South- Jiangsu region; skilled artisan