摘要: 随着南京南车浦镇城轨车辆有限责任公司(以下简称“浦镇公司”)近些年业务量的不断加大,如今的浦镇公司将面临很大的生产压力,要想完成这么大的生产量必须依靠物流的积极配合才能游刃有余。而作为物流必须紧紧抓紧仓储配送这两个环节,加快配送速度,做好物料配套打包,协同采购、车间做好不合格品的处理,将整条供应链上的各个环节通过物流有效的衔接起来。
关键词 仓储配送 高效节约 人员素质 精益求精
Abstract:Town of Nanjing CSR as mass transit vehicles limited liability company (hereinafter referred to as "Town") of increasing business volume in recent years, and now the Town will face great pressure to produce, in order to complete such a largeThe production must rely on the active support of logistics can cope.As a logistics warehouse and distribution must firmly grasp the two areas, speed up the delivery speed, good packaging material support, collaborative procurement, the workshop deal with the unqualified parts, the whole of all aspects of supply chain logistics through an effective link up.
Although the Town's current number of orders received, but the Town is currently in Metro Zhuzhou income is less than this one, four other companies, therefore, cost savings in the current company is very important Dipu Town, so now the company Dipu TownTo increase profits, we must proceed from the overall situation, the logistics cost savings included within the scope of consideration.The use of the concept of cost control, will Town from the node to the company's logistics process strictly controlled.
This Town's own through a combination of favorable, unfavorable factors of the analysis, storage and distribution of the adjustment programs of study in order to be able to find enough to meet this production and cost requirements of the path.