摘 要:时光流逝,时代发展。人类从自给自足的农业经济开始,经历了工业革命,最终步入了服务经济、体验经济时代。在每个经济周期,企业要想适应时代经济的要求,获得较大的发展与进步,市场营销策略和手段的运用是必不可少的。世界著名的经济学家托夫勒曾经在《未来冲击》一书中阐明了一个非常重要的观点:体验服务在体验经济时代将成为企业制胜的杀手锏。在世界经济日益发展,市场竞争日益激烈的今天,企业也只有运用与现代经济特点相适应的体验营销,才能在市场中获得一席之地,从而求得生存与发展。我国企业的体验营销之路开始于二十一世纪初,晚于西方国家十几年,其体验营销的设计和实施等都有诸多问题和改进之处。论文通过借鉴国内外学者对体验营销相关理论的研究,运用马斯洛需要层次理论分析体验营销的历史必然性,采用我国著名学者郑锐洪关于体验营销的9S理论来分析无锡市图书企业体验营销发展的现状,通过对无锡市民图书体验营销的情况调查,来探究适用于我国图书企业的体验营销策略,为图书体验营销的研究提供理论成果支持。
ABSTRACT:The development of times goes with the passing ages .People have enjoyed the fruit of the self-satisfied agricultural economy,the civilization of industry times ,finally have stepped into the age of service economy and the experience economy.Within the certain economic cycle,it’s very important for the company to apply fitful marketing strategy and technique along side with the changing requirement of times in order to proser and develop.World noted scholar Alvin Toffler presented a very important theory ‘ in the times of experience economy ,only the company providing experience marketing can take winnings ’in the book of future shock .Under the circumstances of the fierce market competition and the pacing up world economy ,companies would only survive and prosper if they applied the experience marketing which is suitable to the modern economy .The experience marketing of our country rising in the new century started more than 10 years later than the western developed countries .And the process going on has loads of problems and sections needed to be promoted.This essay took research of noted scholars worldwide for reference, and used maslow's hierarchy of needs theory to analyze the historical certainty of experience marketing.Through the production of Wuxi residents book consumption under the experience marketing questionnaire,article analyzed the present situation of experience marketing development in Wuxi book business with the help of a noted scholar Zheng Ruihong ‘s 9S theory to explore suitable experience marketing technics for the book business in China, to provide tiny theoretical support for the experience marketing research and some advices for the experience marketing technics analysis.
Keywords :experience marketing; experience economy; book business;Wuxi City; 9S theory