摘 要:“民以食为天”,食品安全问题关系到每一个消费者的切身利益。近年来,“毒奶粉”、“瘦肉精”等一系列事件已经带来了巨大的公众危机,而这些问题的根源就来自于食品企业社会责任的严重缺失. 食品行业对道德的要求是比较高的, 因为其对民众生命安全等各方面的损害都要比其他任何社会责任事故严重, 即使是一个很小的失误都有可能给他人的生命安全带来较大的危害。
对食品企业社会责任进行评价可采用社会责任指标体系,该体系共可以分为三级指标,定性与定量相结合的指标.财务与非财务相结合的指标,以及从股东、管理者、员工、消费者、供应商、债权人、竞争者、当地环境、政府部门、社会这10个角度评价食品企业社会责任。食品企业想要获得长足发展,就必须要对社会做出自己的贡献, 并且得到社会公众广泛的的认可。结合社会要求和企业自身两个方面来看, 企业承担社会责任仅靠外界压力是不能长远的,自身的提高也是必不可少的。即使是那些已经履行社会责任的企业,被动履行社会责任的企业所占的比率也较大。如何界定食品企业的社会责任? 食品企业缺失社会责任的原因是什么? 我国食品安全现状如何?完善食品企业社会责任制度的意义有哪些?促使食品企业社会承担社会责任的方法有哪些? 以上问题都是本文研究的重点。
关键词: 企业社会责任;食品企业;消费者;评价指标
ABSTRACT:Food safety issues related to each of the vital interests of the consumers. In recent years, the "poisonous milk powder", a series of events has also brought huge public crisis, and the cause of these problems comes from and the serious lack of food enterprise society responsibility. The food industry is also a high degree of moral requirements of industry, social awareness of it are often higher than other industries, for its people's life, health, safety and property of the more serious than any other social responsibility.
Food corporate social responsibility evaluation index system, this system is divided into three-level indicators, junction station of qualitative indicators and quantitative indicators. Financial indicators and non-financial indicators, combining from the shareholders, employees, managers, creditors, suppliers, competitors, customers, government, environment, the harmonious society of 10 food enterprise society responsibility. Food enterprise society responsibility research food enterprises want to obtain long-term development, must be in the form of a contribution to society, and get the social public recognition to a certain ectent. The social from all walks of life to food companies in social responsibility requirements also increased, the enterprise bear the social responsibility alone outside pressure can't be in the long run, raise also is indispensable. Even have to perform the social responsibility of enterprises, for the performance in a passive accounts for a large proportion. Why does the social responsibility of food enterprises in China is in the real social status? Absent or ignore the social responsibility of food enterprises causes include what? How to define the food enterprise society responsibility? Why do you want to improve the system of food enterprise society responsibility? The above problem is a focus in the study of this article.
Key words: corporate social responsibility, food companies, consumers, the evaluation index