摘 要:近几年来,随着社会经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,居民的消费结构发生了很大的变化,因此对手机的各方面需求有了很大的增加。 三星和苹果作为中国最畅销的两个手机品牌。近年来在手机市场各自占有率不断提高,竞争亦越来越激烈:近年来专利战愈演愈烈,市场的营销战役也早已打响。
ABSTRACT:In recent years, with the development of social economy and the improvement of people's living standards, resident's consumption structure have taken place, especially the demands for mobile phones have made a lot of ascension on various aspects. Samsung and apple, as China's best-selling brand of two mobile phones. In recent years, their shares in the mobile marketcontinue to increase and they are more and more competitive: Patent war has intensified in recent years, the market marketing campaign had started.
Based on the related marketing theory,the paper analyzed Samsung and apple marketing strategy .The first of all,with the PEST analysis and Michael Porter’s Five Forces Model, elaborate the basic situation about two mobile phone in the market environment and the enterprise the paper analyzed the Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats,and second introduced the internal enxironment of Samsung and apple mobile,with SWOT,Then introduced and analyzed 4P of Apple and Samsung to find out the characteristic of two brand marketing strategy ,With this to list though which methods these two brands can increase their market share.the paper expounds why they can win the trust of consumers and loyalty for consumers.
Key words : Samsung ; Iphone ; marketing straregy