摘 要:改革开放以后,我国的民营经济进入了高速发展时期,取得了非常显著的成就。但是从上世纪末开始,民营企业发展逐渐下滑,遇到了前所未有的发展瓶颈。其原因是这些民营企业自有的企业文化已与现代市场经济脱节,已经不能为民营企业进一步发展服务,甚至影响到企业的生存与发展,加之外部大环境的剧烈变化,在没有政府及时有效的政策的帮助的情况下,民营企业生存与发展面临着严重的考验。
ABSTRACT:Since reforming and opening, our privately-owned Enterprises have gotten splendid accomplishment. But at the end of the last century, privately-owned enterprises’ development has become slowly.What's more, development bottleneck has appeared. The reason for that is that the enterprise culture of these privately-owned enterprises has been out of the line with the requests of modern market economy , which have held back enterprises’ development and even affected the enterprises’ survival seriously.Together with the dramatically change of the market and police environment, our privately-owned Enterprises is faced with serious test without government’s timely and effectively police assistance.
In order to solve the problem of short-life of our privately-owned enterprises fundamentally, we should start from the point of private culture, discussing the elements of private-owned enterprises’ culture construction. Perfect the inner culture mechanism, and give full play of enterprise culture. Centering this point, this graduation paper follow the principle of combining theory and action, start from the relevant concept to the true information of Wuxi, coming up with some key point of culture construction for further development.From the policy point of view of analysis, it’s undoubtedly a booster for privately-owned enterprises to get government’s policy guarantee which was formulated on the basis of macro-environment change. In contrast, it just like adds insult into injury. Eventually come to cultural elements and policies support point to promote the development of private enterprises. Provide theoretical guidance for the predicament private enterprises, so as to seek a new stage in the development of private enterprises in China.
Keywords: private enterprise; cultural element; policy; construction