摘 要:在经济全球化趋势的推动下,国与国之间的经济交流空前频繁,跨国公司的对外直接投资活动日趋活跃,为了增强竞争力,实现利益最大化,跨国公司在东道国积极实施本土化战略。近些年来,中国经济稳定持续的增长和投资环境的不断改善,吸引了大批国外跨国公司的投资,跨国公司纷纷从生产制造、产品研发、人力资源、营销管理等方面,在中国推行本土化战略,不断适应中国的内部环境。本土化战略已经成为跨国公司融入到中国社会经济体系的主要方式。通过对跨国公司在华本土化战略的研究,既可以为中国制定和完善相关的经济政策法律提供依据,引导和规范跨国公司在中国的投资和经营活动,保障中国经济的健康发展;又能够为中国本土企业的国际化发展提供借鉴,培育中国本土具有强大国际竞争力的世界级企业。论文以跨国公司和本土化战略的相关理论为基础,分析在中国的跨国公司实施本土化战略的概况,重点研究跨国公司在华本土化战略的具体形式,并以卡夫食品中国公司为例,研究其在中国本土化发展的概况,为中国本土企业的国际化发展提供借鉴。
ABSTRACT:In the trend of economic globalization,the economic exchanges between countries have become more and more frequent.The multinational corporations(MNCs) take an active part in foreign direct investment.In order to enhance competitiveness and achieve maximum benefits,multinational companies are carrying out the localization strategy.In recent years,china’s economy’s growth are very rapid and stable,which attact a large number of MNCs to invest in China.The MNCs are carrying out localization strategy from the aspects of manufacturing,R&D,human resources,marketing management,to adapt China’s internal environment. localization strategy has become the main form of socio-economic systerm for MNCs to develop in China.By studying the localization strategy in China,we can provide a basis for China to set up relevant policies and laws,to guide and regulate MNCs investment activities in China.So this can protect the healthy development of China’s economy.At the same time,this is helpful for China to welcome the competation and challeges,which can provide good references for our countryts Multinational corporation to conduct the overseas investment. This thesis are based on the theory of localization strategy,focusing on the overview of MNCs’ localization strategy in China and taking more attention on the main action of the localization. It also proposed the localization strategy’s formulation and the implementation from the production,the research development,the human resources,the marketing and so on,with the cese of Kraft food.At last ,the thesis proposes the countermeasure and suggestion for China’s companies to take foreign investment oversea
Keywords: MNCs; Foreign Investment; Localization strategy; Kraft food