关键字:网购 安全 网络实名 虚拟交易 网络安全
Abstract: According to statistics, in 2009 China has 1.3 million consumers bought CNY 267 billion in online goods than in 2008 achieved 90.7% growth. 25% internet user have bought goods online, Online shopping has become an important means of commodity circulation. However, behind this explosive growth, people are constantly worried about online shopping: There are so many online shop with different level. If the buyers do not pay attention to the online shopping, they are easy to fall into the trap. And the consumers’ rights is difficult to protect. Safety of online shopping has become the bottleneck of its development. There are many problems affect the safety of online shopping. This paper is to analyze the threat to the safety of online shopping and to propose a variety of factors solution to the problem.
Keywords: Online Shopping; Security; Network Name; Virtual Trading; Network Security