摘要:外商直接投资对江苏省产业结构的影响表现为: 对第一产业的影响,不能满足传统农业向现代农业转变的要求;对第二产业的影响,促进了江苏技术密集型和资本密集型行业的发展;对第三产业的影响,优化了第三产业结构,但产业内发展不平衡。引导外商直接投资优化江苏产业结构的对策主要有:引导、鼓励外商加大对第一次产业的投资力度,发展现代化农业;适当降低对第二次产业的投资比重,调整第二次产业内部的投资结构,促进工业结构的优化;加大对第三次产业的投资,培养人才,创造就业机会。
关键词:外商直接投资 产业结构 江苏省
Abstract: Foreign direct investment in Jiangsu Province showed the impact of industrial structure: the impact on primary industry, can not meet the traditional agriculture to modern agriculture demands; on the impact of the secondary industry and promote a technology-intensive and capital-intensive Jiangsu industry development; on the impact of the tertiary industry, optimize the industrial structure of the third, but the unbalanced development within the industry. Foreign direct investment to guide the industrial structure optimization measures in Jiangsu are: to guide, encourage foreign investors to increase investment in the first industry, the development of modern agriculture; due to lower investment on the proportion of secondary industry to adjust the investment within the secondary industry structure, promote the optimization of industrial structure; increase on the third industry, investment, personnel training, and create job opportunities.
Keywords: Foreign Direct Investment Industrial structure Jiangsu Province;