关键词:虚拟货币 虚拟货币的本质 货币政策 金融监管
Abstract: As the technology is developing rapidly, the development of the virtual currency is also promoting subsequently, it is not only another revolution after the precious metal currency and paper money but also plays an important role in human life and accesses to people’s physical life gradually. This paper is based on the current situation of the virtual currency to analyze different essential between the virtual currency and traditional currency, and also reveals its essential nature. Although the development of virtual currency could stimulate economic growth、increase social wealth, in some extent it will impact the whole economy of the financial market and monetary policy. And sometime it will cause a series of problems, such as inflation、a number of illegal actions. This article focuses on the analysis of these issues and provides advices and preventive measures.
Keywords: Virtual Currency Nature Of Virtual Currency Monetary Policy Financial Supervision