【关键词】商品降价促销 不正当低价销售 低价倾销 行业竞争环境
Abstract: With the rapid development of science and technology level and human society advances, the commodity economy has gradually thorough popular feeling. Under the action of commodity economy, enterprises want to win the dominant market position, to gain more profit and market share; Consumers want to buy cheap and good commodities through benefit. Based on this, many enterprises use the consumers’ thinking to take the lower-than-normal price sale, such as illegal “depreciate sales promotion” behavior in order to cheat customers, which caused the consumer to lower prices distrust between enterprises and the various price wars. Though the country has issued price and anti-unfair competition law related to constrain and stop the infringement, but there are still many enterprises through the drill legal loophole for dumping at low prices. This article through to commodity depreciate sales promotion legality and illegality of research and analysis, points out that the enterprise should not lower product price blindly and exclude competitors in order to win the competition. A healthy industrial competition environment requires countries and the whole industry to build jointly. Only in this way, the legitimate to depreciate sales promotion behavior can really be maintenance and implementation.
Keywords: Commodity Depreciate Sales Promotion Lower-than-normal-price sales Dumping at low prices Industry competitive environment