摘 要:家族企业在成长的过程中势必会遇到种种问题,尤其在控制权转移模式的选择上存在重重困难。本文在分析了家族企业在不同时期控制权转移模式的基础上,总结了发达国家家族企业成功的控制权转移模式和我国企业目前采用的控制权转移模式的经验和教训。研究表明,企业家对于企业的控制欲、职业经理人选择的困难以及外部环境的不健全是影响企业控制权转移的主要因素,通过结合国外家族企业的成功经验和我国的基本国情,本文提出了子承父业型、委托代理型和两相结合型这三种适合我国家族企业的控制权转移模式。
关键字:家族企业 职业化管理 控制权转移模式
Abstract:Family enterprises in the process of growing up will inevitably encounter problems, especially in control on the choice of transfer mode in existing difficulties. Based on the analysis of the family enterprise in different period of transfer mode based on control, summarizes the success of family enterprises in developed countries and China's enterprise control transfer mode control of the currently used transfer mode of experiences and lessons. Research shows that entrepreneurs for enterprise manipulative, professional manager choose of the difficulties and the external environment is not sound effect the main factors of enterprise control transfer by combining foreign successful experience of family enterprises and China's basic conditions, this paper puts forward steps without other alternative options type, principal-agent model and combining the two of three suits control of the family business to transfer mode.
Keywords: family enterprise;professionalized management;Control transfer mode