摘 要:本文针对近年来新就业大学生在就业中表现出的较高离职率,通过资料分析和实证研究,指出这种离职倾向变化在其心理契约类型方面具体表现为从长期的关系型契约转换为短期的交易型契约。并且在心理契约类型转换与离职倾向关系模型分析的基础上,认为新就业大学生离职倾向与心理契约类型转换之间存在一定的内在关联性,心理契约类型的转换可能会催生离职倾向,但不必然导致离职倾向的产生。
Abstract:According to the high turnover rate which is shown in current employment of fresh university graduates, this study focuses on the change of psychological contract of this group through data analysis and empirical research. In this study, we found that the type of psychological contract has changed from a long-term contract based on relationship to a short-term contract based on transaction. Through the analysis of matrix, we found that there has been a close relationship between these two concepts. The conversion of psychological contract type may lead to turnover intention, but it doesn’t inevitably happen.
Keywords:Psychological Contract; Psychological Contract Type; Turnover Intention