摘要:本文首先从国际货币体系的历史演变入手 ,分析了金本位制时期的英国货币霸权,金汇兑本位时期英国货币霸权的衰落,布雷顿森林体系时期美国货币霸权的构建,牙买加体系下美元霸权的延续。然后一分为二地看待了美元霸权对世界经济的影响。重点研究了中国应对美元霸权的策略,结合国际货币体系中美元霸权的客观事实和中国国情,提出了参与建立国际金融新秩序、人民币国际化、积极管理外汇储备和转变经济发展方式。
Abstract: This paper analyzes the British monetary hegemony during the period of gold standard, the decline of the British monetary hegemony during the period of gold exchange standard, the establishment of theUS currency hegemony during Bretton Woods system and the new US currency hegemony in the system. Then the article writes the affections a of the U.Sdollar hegemony. Finally, I focus on the strategy for China to deal with the U.S dollar hegemony. Combining the reality of U.S. dollar hegemony and China’s national conditions, I suggest the overall strategy and specific means for China to cope with.
Key Words: Monetary Power; U.S Dollar Hegemony; Response Strategy