摘要:江苏省南通市是一个工业相对发达,位于长江三角洲地区的沿海开放城市,属于苏中经济发达地区,为贯彻国家提出的建设社会主义新农村以及建立城乡统筹的农村社会养老保险制度,对此,笔者从南通市人口结构、老龄化程度和老龄化趋势的现实入手 ,对南通市农村保障体系进行了一番回顾与梳理,比较了新老农保的特点与不足,并结合南通市经济发展情况与人口政策对南通市所实施过的农村养老保险制度进行利弊分析,指出各地在实施农村养老保险过程中存在的问题与制度上的缺陷,分析实施过程中出现的问题的与制度缺陷的根源,展望了南通市未来农村养老保险的发展方向,并针对解决养老保障体系中存在的问题,给出几点建议,旨在探索新型农村养老险新的出路。
Abstract:Nantong is a economic developed and industry flourishing city of Jiangsu province which located in the Yangtze River delta, nantong is an industrial relatively developed in jiangsu province, located in the Yangtze river delta to open coastal cities, belong to the middle developed economic regions, to carry out the country offers of building new socialist countryside and to establish urban and rural countryside society old-age insurance system.Thus, the paper from nantong aging population structure, the reality of the degree and aging of the trend of rural security system in nantong gave a review and comb, and compares the characteristics of new farmer with the shortage, and combined with nantong economic development conditions and population policies implemented in nantong the rural old-age insurance system, and points out that the pros and cons in implementation of rural endowment insurance all the problems in the process of the defects with system, analyzes the problems during the process of implementing the institutional defects, with the root of nantong future prospects of rural endowment insurance, and the development direction of old-age security system in solving the problems existing in some Suggestions, given, and explores a new rural endowment insurance new way.
Keyword:Nantong aging population ,Rural old-age support security,new type of rural social endowment insurance suggestion