关键词:外汇储备 影响因素 规模管理
ABSTRACT:Foreign exchange reserve as the core of the international monetary system is of vital importance in the area of international financial research. It concerns the governments’ ability of adjusting balance of payment and stabilizing exchange rate,so all the governments and financial authorities keep close watch on its development. Since China’s foreign exchange administration reform in 1994, China now is the largest foreign exchange reserve holder in the world. However, foreign reserve is not the more the better, excessive reserve will result in the loss of a country's economy. Now this problem have attracted wide attention in the society. What causes the rapid growth of China's foreign exchange reserve, whether the scale of Chinese foreign reserve is appropriate and how to manage these foreign reserve, these problems have become the core of theoretical and practical fields.
The object of the research is foreign exchange reserve. In this paper, I use specific related data in the empirical way to analyze the scale of foreign exchange reserve. The innovation of this paper is using econometric method and relevant indicators of recent data to study the relation between China's foreign exchange reserve and import as well as foreign debt.
Key words: foreign exchange reserve influencing factors scale administration