关键词:医药物流 流通体制 配送
Abstract: As the social division of labor is increasingly fine and the pharmaceutical industry is booming, the technologies in China's medical logistics are relatively backward. The pharmaceutical industry by orientation and development in future are confused. Logistics is the important bridge between the supplier and retail merchant and is “the third profit source”. Logistics competitive advantage is an important magic weapon. Therefore implementing the strategic class in the medicine profession comes to be urgent. This article discussed China's pharmaceutical logistics current situation, existing problems and development strategy .
Key words: medical logistics;circulation system;distribution
近年来, 随着我国医药行业的改革和 OTC药品市场的快速发展, 作为连接制药企业与用户之间的重要通道——医药物流, 理所当然地已经成为众多医药企业关注的焦点。越来越多的医药批发、零售连锁企业开展了配套物流设施的建设。2003 年, 随着国债支持项目的正式启动, 带来了我国医药物流发展的热潮。随着新医改各项配套政策的陆续出台,基本药物制度各项工作的有序开展,政府的宏观之手已经开始推动现代医药物流产业的发展,而我国医疗市场的快速发展以及即将建立的覆盖全国的医疗保障网络也为医药物流企业的发展带来了契机,2010年是现代医药物流产业进入蓬勃发展的拐点。