关键字:供应链管理 信息共享 牛鞭效应 激励机制
Abstract: In the era of economic globalization, the needs of the users more personalized, the enterprise the competitive. In this case, the enterprise cannot face competition must close cooperation with other supply chain enterprises, and become the key information sharing cooperation. In this paper, the supply chain information sharing in detail and puts forward the strategy of information sharing, and the implement process met the problem is discussed, and based on this, advances some effective countermeasures.
Keywords: SCM ;Information Sharing; bullwhip; Incentive mechanism
近年来,供应链管理已经成为新的市场环境下增强企业竞争力和改善企业绩效的重要方式,是一种跨企业协作的管理方法,它可以增强市场竞争力。 信息共享是供应链管理成功的关键因素,是当前供应链管理研究的热点.供应链中普遍存在”牛鞭效应”现象,导致信息传递时的不断扭曲放大,解决“牛鞭效应”是提高供应链整体绩效的关键,而信息共享是解决这一问题的重要途径之一。在实际运作中信息共享的实施存在着很多的障碍因素,因此有必要建立各种有效的机制,促使各成员企业参与信息共享活动。