关键词:汇龙新城小区; 业主委员会; 物业管理
Abstract: This article takes the Shanghai Huilong metro area as an example and makes an analysis and summarize of the nature of the owners' committee. Owner committee is in property management with independent subject position in the exercise of autonomy the authority the owner autonomous non-governmental organizations . Besides it analyzes the relevant department responsibilities distribution, the interaction mechanism of the owner, the way of the form and the daily operation of the owner committee. To perfect the owner congress, the owners' committee, the group's decision rules of the owners, and provide some valuable experience of the good mood of operation for the owners of the committee.
Key words: Huilong Metro Area; Owner Committee; Property Management
小区业主委员会是小区业主大会的执行机构,代表着广大业主的切身利益,履行着监督物业公司和执行业主公约的职责。但《物业管理条例》等相关法律文件并没有对小区业主委员会的性质作出明确具体的定义,此外,现实生活中小区业主委员会的运作情况并不乐观,上海市住房保障和房屋管理局 2010 年以入户调查的方式,对普通居民对小区业主委员会的运转情况进行调查。以运作情况是否符合小区业主共同意愿为参考标准,上海市业主委员会运作情况良好的约占 39.5%,运作情况一般的约占 47.9%,运作情况不正常和不能运作的业主委员会约占 12.6%。