摘要: 乳品市场近年一直呈现着良好的发展趋势,市场上的品牌也越来越丰富,企业通过新产品研发扩大市场的优势已不存在,而作为“第三方利润源”的配送,却可以通过保持物流水平,以适当的时间适当的送达至适当的客户手中来降低企业的配送成本,以保持企业的利润目标,同时占领市场份额。乳品企业的配送不同于一般的连锁超市配送,要求对全程进行冷链控制,同时由于产品的鲜活性高对配送的敏捷性要求较高,因此要进行物流系统的规划,以更好的服务最终客户。本文通过对乳品企业的配送体系研究,从配送节点、系统规划方面为乳品企业的配送系统建设提供参考。
关键词: 配送 系统规划 节点布局 乳品
Abstract: Dairy market in recent years has been shown a good development trend, the market is also more and more rich brand, enterprise through the new product development expand the market advantage has not exist, as a "third party profit source" of distribution, but can be by keeping the logistics level, with the proper time proper service to the appropriate clients to reduce the cost of distribution enterprise, in order to keep the enterprise profit targets, and capture market share. Dairy enterprise and distribution is different from a chain supermarket distribution, request the course of cold chain control, at the same time as the product of distribution of the present high agility the demand is higher, because this wants to have logistics system planning, to better serve the final customer. This article through to dairy enterprises distribution system research, from distribution node, system planning for dairy products distribution system construction of the enterprise to provide the reference.
Keywords: distribution system planning Node layout dairy food