摘要:本文选择 TCL进行跨国并购绩效研究,介绍了背景、相关概念、TCL并购案例。从盈利能力、资产运营能力、偿债能力和增长能力这四个跨国并购绩效指标来分析,对比TCL并购前后的财务情况,发现在并购后的很长一段时间里才有盈利,然后进行总结,对出现的问题给出对策:并购后加强管理能力;注重文化融合;加强自主研发能力等等。
关键词:跨国并购; 并购绩效; 企业战略;TCL
Abstract: TCL Corporation has been chosen as a Mergers & Acquisition performance study case. This paper analyzes the background and introduces relevant concepts , analysis of series of M&A cases. Then compare the financial affairs before M&A with the one after M&A by four financial indexes: earning power, operation capability, debt-paying ability and development ability, the datum show that TCL Corporation gets benefits after a long period. Last the author summarizes and provides some solutions to the problems:strengthen the management ability ,pay attention to the culture intergration after M&A,promote the independent innovation ability and so on.
Key words: Mergers & Acquisition ; M&A performance; Corporate strategy; TCL